Thursday, June 21, 2012

Day 6 (Southern Alsace)

First, we went to a gingerbread factory, which was pretty sweet.  It was really really really incredibly creepy, though, because there was a small gingerbread museum with like figures of gingerbread men.  It was pretty weird.
Here, take a look:

Then we went to this really cool walled in town.  Yeah, it was a little touristy, but it was still really cool. Basically we ate lunch and wandered around for around an hour and a half.

So, I don't know if you guys know how exciting it is to be able to say "I was in a castle," but it's pretty darn amazing.  Most of the photos go without explanation, 'cause, well, it was a fully restored castle.  I give you, Le château du Haut-Koenigsburg:

It took a little while, but we eventually figured out it was a furnace.

Don't worry, Therese, your camera was safe on like three straps!

That makes me think of Brian Tsang...  BRIAN I MISS YOU!  You hqve NO CRUE!

So then we were SUPPOSED to go to an eagle show, but there was supposedly a storm with code red on it, so they cancelled it.  For some reason no one knows when its supposed to hit.  Anyways, its 8:24 and it's hardly drizzled.  Oup, saw some lighting; and so it begins!!!

They cancelled their ,music festival (which I understand to be an ancient pagan feast to celebrate the solstice, but whatevs)


  1. Oh my God, you just made me spit all over my computer screen with your Brian Tsang comment!!

    Glad you're having such a good time. We missed you tonight at the birthday party. :(

  2. That castle looks awesome. Especially the view! Hope you are enjoying your time in Europe!

    Colleen Schmitt
