Sunday, June 17, 2012

Day 1 to 4(Souffelweyersheim and Strasbourg))

So, I'll get some photos up soon, but for now, here's whats gone down.
Also, I'm typing on an azertyuiop keyboard instead of a qwertyuiop, so its a little difficult. If you see a Q where an N goes or something, sorry.

Plane ride, nine hours of trying to sleep, eating mediocre food, starting at the screen that had all the flight parameters, and making friends.
We landed in Paris, and there we sat for an obscenely long layover of five hours.
A quick flight to Strasbourg lasted about an hour, during zhich everyone slept from the moment ze starter cruising until the moment we stopped.
M. Rohm, Hugo and his sister came to pick me up. I grabbed my bag and we were off.

I was pretty surprised at how fast everyone drives here.

So that was up to Saturday. On sunday I couldn't take photos because we were... Wait for it... Ziplining. So as not to drop the camera 15 meters from the tree tops to it's doom, I left it in the car.

Monday I went to school with Hugo on the bus. The buildings were incredibly French. Also, there are like real papery tickets for the bus that you buy from te driver that are good for the tram too. There's tons of light rail here! Like I said I'll get photos up.
We sort of walked around Strasbourg exploring that day as a group. We ate in a cafe too.

Tons of photos that day because I was being a total tourist

That afternoon Hugo's dad showed us something unbelievably neat. Apparently he did all the new wiring in the Court of Human Rights for the council of Europe, and it's the largest in the world. Apparently it can pitch correct like forty seven people automatically during a hearing or a debate.

Photos photos photos

The next day, Tuesday was really cool, because we visited the actual council of Europe, which runs the court and apparently, as I learned, has very little to do with or in common with the EU.

A few photos

A bit more fun thn that, we got to buy ingredients for lunch at a street farmer's market. All I bought were fruits and bread, but I traded with my friends so we all got good stuff.

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